Collect High-precision Information Instantly Through Interactive Services, Ensuring Reliability and Quantity of Information, and Thus Make Your Work More Efficient!

Utilized in Both New Customer Development Activities and the Business of the Security Protection Company

SECOM (China) CO., Ltd.
User's Voice

After Much Deliberation, and with the Approval of Many Stakeholders, the Contract was Signed.

Case Study of the Introduction of Speeda at SECOM (CHINA) CO., LTD.

Founded in 1962, SECOM Group was the first security protection company in Japan. In addition to the security business, the SECOM Group is developing its disaster prevention business, medical business, insurance business, geospatial information service business, business process outsourcing (BPO), and ICT business. With operations in 17 countries and regions around the world, we are committed to building a "social system industry" that provides safety, reassurance, comfort and convenience to society based on our security network.

SECOM (CHINA) CO.,LTD (hereinafter referred to as SECOM China) uses the Speeda economic information platform to plan and develop new services, gather information on new customers and reduce man-hours. To find out how Speeda is helping to solve this problem, we spoke to Mr. SYOUKOU HITSUMA(hereinafter referred to as Mr. HITSUMA), the General Manager of the Innovation Centre of SECOM China, Ms. Wei Zhou (hereinafter referred to as Ms. Zhou) from the Innovation Centre of SECOM China and Ms. Zhili Wang (hereinafter referred to as Ms. Wang) from the Sales Department of SECOM China.

      SECOM China currently provides services in 23 cities, and strives to provide consistent quality of service.
      Speeda is used by the Innovation Centre, which is responsible for planning and developing new services, and it is used by the Sales Department, which is dedicated to developing new customers and deepening existing ones.
      It addresses barriers to collecting information in Chinese and improves the efficiency of information collection, collation and business implementation.
      Speeda is attractive because it allows users to know what they want to know when they want to know it, and it allows them to gather a wealth of information instantly and in a diverse way.
      It gathers reliable information quickly when new plans are proposed so that work can be carried out efficiently.
      It Improves the quality and quantity of customer list information, and the sales side of the business has become much more efficient.
      Speeda's research service, where Speeda makes recommendations based on the purpose of the research, brings a sense of reassurance by broadening your horizons.
      Through the use of Speeda, the number of supporters has increased and many employees are now aware of Speeda.
      Speeda is not just an information gathering tool, but an interactive service that emphasizes customer relationships.

SECOM China Now Operates in 23 Cities While Responding to Social Change

Q: Tell us about your company's business.

Mr. SYOUKOU HITSUMA: SECOM was established in 1962 and it provides security services. SECOM has a history of 60 years and SECOM China has a history of 30 years. The strength is the operational experience of having a blend of mechanical systems and manpower use.

The departments taking part in this interview are the Innovation Centre and the Sales Department of SECOM China. The Innovation Centre is a department that plans and develops new services. The Sales Department is increasing sales and profits by developing new customers for security services and maintaining existing customers.

The Innovation Centre currently has six employees (three expatriate staff and three local staff) and the Sales Department currently has seven employees (three expatriate staff and four local staff).

The target customers are both Japanese and local companies, and they are mostly local. In addition, SECOM China currently provides services in 23 cities and strives to provide a consistent quality of service.

Q: What strategies have you strengthened for the Chinese market?

Mr. HITSUMA: In 2017, SECOM Group laid out a long-term vision called "SECOM Group Vision 2030".

This vision is to depend on the ties to society that have been cultivated until today and to join forces with partners who share SECOM's vision of the future. We are bringing together various technologies and knowledge to realize our vision of creating a "reassurance platform" as a social infrastructure. With this vision in mind, we are striving to provide "uninterrupted reassurance for all, everywhere, at all times".

SECOM China is promoting mechanisms that can flexibly respond to new services and social changes, such as the introduction of cloud services and collaboration with other companies.

In addition, we are collecting information on Chinese policies and technologies that are useful to our business, on areas and industries that we need to strengthen, and on potential companies that could become customers, as part of our internal activities.

Finding Tools to Address Barriers to Information Gathering in Chinese and to Dig Deeper into Information

Q: Please tell us about the problems of your business and its background before the introduction of Speeda.

Mr. HITSUMA: Prior to the introduction of Speeda, searches were mainly conducted on the Internet. As a result, one could only stop at the information available through search sites, and although extensive but superficial information was obtained, it did not allow for deeper digging. In addition, the language barrier and the collation and organization of information can generate a lot of time and man-hours. It is also difficult to get the information you want about China's policies and key industries, and for the information you want, I feel it is necessary to use tools that allow you to access all the information once and for all. For example, digging deeper requires keywords, but the reality is that it is difficult to get the information you want using limited keywords such as "security company" and "security". From a security point of view, most of the information from government measures such as surveillance cameras set up on the street is confidential.

Therefore, we felt that a tool which could be used to improve information gathering and increase efficiency, was needed.

Q: Tell us about the opportunity to learn about our service Speeda and how the consulting work went.

Mr. HITSUMA: I learned about Speeda four or five years ago when I was working in the marketing department in Japan. At that time, I sensed a problem in terms of the time it took to collect and analyse information, and the reliability of the information collected.

When I was upset about not being able to collect information quickly, the head of a department introduced me to Speeda. 2018 witnessed the first introduction of Speeda at SECOM, and I found it so useful that I decided to introduce it in SECOM China this time as well.

When I was in Japan, I read the NewsPicks website every day. The reports were often linked, and since it was the same operation, it was natural to introduce Speeda without any hesitation.

It has been Endorsed by Many Departments and Thus Strategically Introduced. Build an Environment Where Speeda is Used Regularly.

Q: How did the process go before the introduction?

Mr. HITSUMA: The introduction in SECOM China has gone very smooth, but the introduction in Japan was not that easy at all. At the time, the use of Speeda was not yet known and a contract had already been signed with another company to obtain the information. Changing to Speeda required in-depth discussions with many people involved.

Therefore, not only did we have to convince many people, but we also invited a sales representative from Speeda to come to the head office in SECOM to give a presentation.

It took a lot of time and effort to get the contract signed. In addition, we invited employees from several departments to conduct trials so that they could experience using Speeda first hand, because I think it is important not only to have seminars on the use of Speeda but also to experience it first hand. As long as it's a good product, everyone understands it.

In the end, we decided to remove unnecessary tools and use the ones we could make the most of. We convinced not only key men in the actual business departments, but also people close to management, and getting more people involved was also a big decisive factor.

Even now, the number of supporters is growing through the use of Speeda. The name Speeda is also indicated in internal company materials to promote it as a source of information, and many employees have already known about Speeda.

Furthermore, even if introduced, it is meaningless if it is not used. For this reason, in Japan, the environment for the use of Speeda has been secured by transferring access rights from non-users to potential users. In China, improvements are also being made in terms of usage and users’ reassessment is being conducted.

To Improve Operational Efficiency by Improving the Speed of Information Collection and Meanwhile to Address Both Quality and Quantity Issues

Q: Do you see any merits from the introduction of Speeda?

Mr. HITSUMA: The efficient use of time is the biggest benefit. With Speeda, we can gather a lot of information once and for all, it is easier to make decisions and we can spend the extra time on analysis.

Ms. Wang: Before the introduction of Speeda, the sales department did not use a business information gathering tool. Now, we use the Speeda website to search for information on the target customers required by each local business and collate the information to create a sales target list.

Previously, it was the local company's sales team that searched for business information online and collated it themselves. By using Speeda, the speed and accuracy of information gathering for businesses has been further improved.

Ms. Zhou: At the Innovation Centre, the issue of gathering reliable information quickly is a problem when building a business case.

Previously, it took a lot of time to collect information by checking through multiple websites to see if the information was trustworthy. However, with Speeda, not only is it possible to obtain comprehensive information once and for all, but the source of the data is also trustworthy. In addition, Speeda includes data and graphs that can be used directly to create information, so you can shorten the time it takes to produce information. Apart from increasing business efficiency by using Speeda, the ability to give users reassurance because of the high quality of the information is also a benefit of using Speeda.

Q: Please let me know if there are features and contents you particularly like.

Mr. HITSUMA: I mainly browse the homepage for macro information about China. The composition of the homepage is very simple and easy to understand, showing all the trending keywords, so that you don't need to enter keywords to get information, which I really like. In addition, frequent references are the information which is made on related areas and areas of interest based on trending keywords, etc. In addition to the convenience of gathering the necessary information, I also like the variety of information available, such as events, the speed of information updating, the considerate support service that provides answers within 30 minutes, and the customized research service.

The information overlooking the relevant industries, the technologies needed for the future and the markets that have the potential to become business partners are also part of the charm. It is interesting to observe the rising rate of sales and profit in the different national industries to get a visual grasp of areas and trends that have development momentum. Other employees also seem to look forward to attending the Speeda seminars every time.

Broadening Horizons Through a Dialogue-based Research Service

Q: Please tell us what you think about using the customized research service.

Ms. Zhou: I used the customized research twice while exploring new services and working with industry partners. It gives me the feeling of reassurance.

Not only did we fully understand our company's needs, but Speeda's research team also made recommendations based on an understanding of the purpose. A high-level research plan was set and I was very satisfied.

The credibility of the report was enhanced by submitting only highly reliable sources such as research reports, as compared with information sourced from online searches.

Q: How will Speeda help your business in the future? Please tell me what you expect.

Mr. HITSUMA: It's always been expected since a few years ago. Our company aims to increase contact with our customers and improve customer satisfaction, and there is a lot to learn from Speeda's business.

I think Speeda is very good at building and deepening relationships with customers. The service spirit of Speeda is very worth learning from.

I am confident that Speeda will also help us with our production activities in the future.

"Speeda is Recommended for People Looking for a Conversational Service Rather Than a One-way Service"

Q: Finally, please give some advice to companies that are considering the introduction of Speeda.

Mr. HITSUMA: Speeda is not just a site to search when you need it. It can know what you want to know when you want to know it and it allows to gather a wealth of information instantly.

Speeda is not only searchable, but also has a wealth of features such as seminars, support desks and customized searches. Therefore, it is best suited to companies that want quick and precise access to information.

Speeda is an information retrieval service that gives a sense of conversational service and should definitely be considered by companies that are looking for a two-way service rather than one-sided information provision and passive service.

Thank you!

SECOM (China) CO., Ltd.


SECOM Group was established in 1962 as Japan's first police security company. In addition to the security business, SECOM Group is also engaged in the disaster prevention business, medical business, insurance business, geospatial information services business, BPO and ICT business. In 1992, SECOM entered China, providing security services in 23 cities, mainly in coastal areas.

Type of industry


Department, category

Sales, new business development, management planning, business strategy

Main use scenes

Latest trends and movements, business strategy development, industry analysis, sales and marketing strategy development, report production, new business development, corporate research and analysis

SECOM (China) CO., Ltd.

General Manager, Innovation Centre

Head of the Innovation Centre
Ms. Wei Zhou

Head of the Sales Department
Ms. Zhili Wang

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